logo_clippingsio_ExtraLarge_233x1280Reading is an activity that some do for work and some for pure pleasure. But, no matter what the purpose is, reading is part of our daily life and we could not live without books. Printed books, paper, the smell of ink are nowadays just an option and not an existing fact that we have to accept and to be satisfied with. All of these happen thanks to the quick development of technology. When time becomes our enemy and we are due to do a lot of things, we look for ways of facilitating our lives. The invention of the Kindle is one of the most revolutionary outcomes of the last few years. This gadget gives you the opportunity to read whatever you want, whenever and wherever you want. It is cheap and practical, it can be taken anywhere, put in your purse and stock hundreds of books.

Easy reading

The purpose of the creation of the Kindle was to facilitate readers’ life. Whether you read out of passion or you are an academic who needs to always be prepared and aware of the breakthroughs of science you, usually, cannot carry the whole library with you. But if you buy a Kindle you can store on it, whatever book you want and take with you on a trip or at work as many as you can read. The Kindle technology is constantly developing, the producers trying to meet readers’ needs. Recently, a new option that allows you to highlight and make notes on the book you read was created.

Kindle Notes

The option Save Kindle Notes, is available for anyone who owns a Kindle and it is very easy to use. Note-taking becomes easier and more fun. You can highlight any word or paragraph and then take notes about it with a simple touch of the screen.

You can choose to synchronize your notes using an application like MyClippings available for download on Google Chrome. By just installing this application on your Kindle you will be able to organize and process the notes you take. After your notes and commentaries have been made, the option gives you the possibility of exporting them to Word, where you can make even more changes like changing the color of a quotation, the writing style of a certain paragraph or highlighting parts with various colors. You can also export the notes you take to Excel and even to a PDF format and you will have the book you read with your own personal comments in a single file. The annotations made can be sent back to your Kindle so you can review them when you wish. The next step of note-taking would be sending them to the Evernote platform, a workplace that helps you to keep your life and your reading organized. By sending your notes to Evernote you will be able to handle them with more confidence since you will have all the notes in one place. This way of working is easy to use and interactive and is a way of enjoying the best parts of your lecture in a pleasant and rapid way.

By Techwacky

Editor-in-Chef of TechWacky.com