Enough already! IPhone app development has become so popular lately that almost every developer is jumping into this field. Most of the business owners want an iPhone app for themselves, either for promotion or for internal business processes. But before you think of getting into it, wait for a while, please open your eyes and look around. Is the app that you are planning to make, original?

The iPhone app store is flooded with so many apps that are mere duplications and imitations of pre-existing ones. Please don’t contribute to the unoriginal pile any more. If you really wish to find success through your iPhone apps, then please, PLEASE use your imagination and bring out something that is really creative.

There’s a reason why we tend to make repetitive apps. It is not so much because we run low on creativity, but the fact that we tend to undermine it and listen to too much that other people have to say. Before you do that again relax and think clearly. Not all the tips you find online are going to help you develop the right app for your company. Keep the following things in mind when you begin developing an app and you will surely end up helping yourself.

Experts may not be experts after all

On the internet, every second person calls himself an expert. DO NOT BELIEVE THEM. It is nice to take advice and tips, but ensure that you are doing so from credible sites, and actual real human being, not just a fictional character that has been built to publish articles on the net for viral marketing. Go through the author bio, click on the links that show where he belongs, and identify from his parent site, if the source is a credible one on which you can rely.

Don’t buy things on face value. The iPhone has a huge user community. Rely on those threads which are dedicated to providing information regarding iPhones and iPads online general sites. Go through other articles written by the author to be absolutely certain of how much knowledge the author really has. If he is really who he claims to be, then you will find sensible content in his other articles as well.

Ignorance may be Bliss, but suspicion sure is Success

I have been told many a times that I must not be so sceptical about all the info that is available on the internet, courtesy “self-proclaimed experts”. I agree to some extent that you can be ignorant about the things I just mentioned above and continue to follow the tips and tricks offered by them, and hope that you “MAY” get successful.

A little suspicion will take you a long way. If you are suspicious, you will naturally go to the root of everything and get the necessary details about the source of your information. This eliminates your chances of taking chances and being sure of what you are doing.  Once you have the sure answers, you can proceed with your strategy. At least that way you will always know the outcome and be prepared of how to handle the situation.

Add a little of “you-ness” in it

No matter how much you learn or accept online tips, remember that iPhone app development of your company must essentially have a little bit of you in it. Make it personal. Something that strikingly denotes that it belongs to you. If you do this, you will never have to worry about duplication or plagiarism or being unoriginal.

Closing your eyes and following someone else blindly will only lead you to make pathetically unoriginal and repetitive apps which lack character and motivation. You must be excited about your app. unless you are excited about it, no one else will be. It is your biggest platform to express to the world who you are and how good your company is. Don’t waste this opportunity by becoming one in the herd rather than the one leading it.

Be yourself, and make an app that reminds people that you are not afraid to add character to your app and to be who you are. Aping others will not take you anywhere. Get over the copycat syndrome and do the new!


Guest  Author  Jack is the head of a team of iPhone app developers from london @VITEB-UK. Viteb-UK is reknowned globally for having one of the best iPad application development team in London. Other areas of specialization include Custom iPhone development. To get more details visit VITEB.CO.UK

By Techwacky

Editor-in-Chef of TechWacky.com